Plenaries and keynotes
Plenary conferences

Prof. Dr. Gretar Tryggvason
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (USA)
“Fully Resolved Simulations of Complex Multiphase Flows”
Gretar Tryggvason is the Charles A. Miller, Jr. Distinguished Professor at the Johns Hopkins University and the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD from Brown University in 1985 and was on the faculty of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor until 2000, when he moved to Worcester Polytechnic Institute as the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Between 2010 and 2017 he was the Viola D. Hank professor at the University of Notre Dame and the chair of the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Professor Tryggvason is well known for his contributions to computational fluid dynamics; particularly the development of methods for computations of multiphase flows and for pioneering direct numerical simulations of such flows. His various service activities include serving as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computational Physics 2002-2015 and currently as the Chair Elect of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society. He is a fellow of APS, ASME and AAAS, and the recipient of several awards, including the 2012 ASME Fluids Engineering Award and the 2019 ASTFE Award.

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman
Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
“Drops of pure liquids and nanosuspensions on porous coatings: imbibition, evaporation, and deposit formation”
Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman received a Master of Science and Doctor of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Glass and Ceramics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and after that changed to the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Darmstadt, where she was promoted to Apl. Professor in 2015. In the years 2014-2017 T. Gambaryan-Roisman has coordinated the Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Complex wetting Phenomena” (CoWet). She is currently coordinating an Innovative Training Network “Dynamics of dense nanosuspensions: a pathway to novel functional materials“ (nanoPaInt). She coordinates the Science Team of the ISS experiment “Marangoni in Films”. The research interest of T. Gambaryan-Roisman include interfacial transport and phase change, and complex wetting phenomena.

Prof. Ana S. Moita
Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
“bubbles & drops dynamics on micro--and-nano-enhanced interfaces: microscale approach for (macro) industrial applications”
PhD (2009), MSc (2004) and Diploma Engineer (2001) in Mechanical Engineering in Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Ana Moita is the director of the Laboratory of Thermofluids, Combustion and Energy Systems in IN+, Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research/Instituto Superior Técnico, and an Assist. Prof at Instituto Superior Técnico. A.S. Moita developed a strong background in wettability modification strategies, including micro-and-nanostructuring techniques applied to surface modification. In the last years, she has deepened these activities for microscale applications, towards devising microfluidic devices for thermal (energy conversion) and biomedical applications. PI/co-Pi of several national and international projects, she gained recognition and support from a strong national and international network. A.S. Moita has been an invited lecturer for international conferences and seminars at several international and national universities. She received 4 awards/distinctions. She is a reviewer for numerous international conferences, more than 90 journals and 5 funding agencies (including ESA projects), being part of the scientific and or technical committee of 40 international conferences/workshops. A.S. Moita published 8 book chapters, around 100 peer reviewed journal papers, most in Q1 and Q2 journals and nearly 130 conference papers (H=28, around 2490 citations). She is Guest-Editor in 7 SI's in Applied Science, Energies and Symmetry, journals from MDPI and part of the Editorial board of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier, since august 2022.

Prof. Christian Ruyer-Quil
Université Savoie Mont-Blanc (France)
“Advances on the modelling of falling liquid films”
Christian Ruyer-Quil graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1995. He received his PhD in mechanical engineering from Ecole Polytechnique in 1999 where he was trained under the direction of Paul Manneville. He joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of Université Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6) in 2000. He was appointed Professor at Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc (Chambéry) in 2013. He is an honorary Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Christian is interested in hydrodynamic instabilities, free-surface flows and two-phase flows. He developed a consistent Saint-Venant approach to deal with long-wave instabilities and applied this approach to the Kapitza instability of falling films for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, and he analyzed its coupling with the Marangoni instability (heated films) and the Rayleigh-Plateau instabilities (films running down fibers). At present he works on the intensification of transfer in falling-film exchangers, falling films on porous substrates as well as transfers at the interface of a fluid and a porous region.

Prof. Dr. Uwe Janoske
University of Wuppertal (Germany)
“Interaction of droplets with aerodynamic forces and mechanical vibrations”
Uwe Janoske is currently Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Wuppertal. He earned his Dipl.-Ing. (BA) in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cooperative Education in Mosbach, Germany, in 1993, his Dipl.-Ing. in Process Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, in 1995, and his PhD in Process Engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany in 1999. In his thesis, the focused on the flow and particle separation in disk stack centrifuges numerically as well as experimentally. He earned his Habilitation in 2006 at the University of Wuppertal in the field of modelling and simulation of filtration processes.
After completing his PhD, Uwe accepted a position as R&D project manager for chainsaws at Andreas Stihl AG&Co. in Waiblingen, Germany. In 2001, Uwe accepted a Professor position at the University of Cooperative Education Mosbach as head of the study programmes in Virtual Engineering as well as Process Engineering. In 2010, Uwe accepted a Full Professor position at the University of Wuppertal. His research fields are the numerical modeling and the experimental validation of mulitphase flows in applications for process engineering including droplets, particles and fluid films. He is focusing on the development of new models for multiphase flows, e.g. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, film flow modelling, Immersed Boundary Methods which are coupled with different physical phenomena, like electric or magnetic fields. Uwe has over 150 publications. He is serving as a member of the editorial board in Progress in CFD and reviewer in several journals.

Dr. Vadim Nikolayev
CEA (France)
“ Phenomena in the close heater vicinity at nucleate boiling: experimental and numerical studies ”
Vadim Nikolayev is a director of research at the Division of Condensed Matter Physics of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, Paris-Saclay center. He had his PhD degree from Kyiv State University in 1989 and his habilitation thesis from Sorbonne University in 2005. He has published more than 100 research papers, proceedings and book chapters. He worked in several scientific domains like studies of fluids in microgravity, in particular magnetic gravity compensation, fluids in the vicinity of the liquid-gas critical point. He contributed also to the studies of natural condensation. His current research concerns both experimental and numerical studies of hydrodynamics with phase change, more specifically boiling, wetting and contact line phenomena, thin film evaporation, pulsating heat pipes and flows in micro-channels.

Prof. Benoit Scheid
Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
“Bubble and droplet dynamics in inertial microfluidics”
Benoit Scheid is FNRS research director and professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), where he got his PhD in 2004 on theoretical modelling of hydrodynamic instabilities. In 2005, he was awarded the Ilya Prigogine Prize for its PhD dissertation on dissipative wave patterns. In 2007, he got a postdoctoral research position at Harvard University, where he performed research on glass processing in collaboration with Industry. He got an academic position in 2011 at ULB from the National Foundation for Scientific Research (FNRS). His research aims at improving the current expertise in interfacial dynamics and surface rheology, and to make it unique in answering scientific and technological questions applying to material processing and microfluidics, with potential impact in material, pharmaceutical, chemical, biological and medical sciences. In 2019, he has founded with four members of his group the spin-off company Secoya that valorises microfluidic technologies developed in the lab for the crystallization and micro-encapsulation of (bio)-pharmaceutical compounds.

Associate Prof. Anne Gosset
Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
“Liquid films interacting with gas jets”
Associate Professor in the Department of Marine and Industrial Engineering at the University of A Coruña (UDC), Spain. Her main expertise is in thin film flows, coatings and 3D printing processes, approached through both experimental and numerical methods. Challenges in these industrial processes have been a constant source of inspiration for her, leading to her participation in numerous long-term projects with companies across Europe. She earned her PhD in Applied Sciences from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2007) and worked as a permanent researcher at the von Karman Institute until 2009, focusing on industry collaboration. She later joined the “Centro Tecnológico del Naval Galego” and UDC’s Integrated Group for Engineering (GII). From 2017 to 2024, she served as director of CITENI, UDC’s Center for Research in Marine and Industrial Technologies.

Dr. Anne-Laure Biance
CNRS, Institut Lumière Matière, Lyon (France)
“ Triboelectricity in a droplet impacting a superhydrophobic surface: coupling between electrostatics and hydrodynamics”
- Anne-Laure Biance (CNRS, Institut Lumière Matière, Lyon) carries on research on interfacial hydrodynamics. It includes droplets and bubbles dynamics, their specific interactions with surfaces, especially electrostatics, building dedicated experiments at the milli and nanoscale (nanofluidics). Her recent and current specific topics of research include electrokinetics in thin films and bubbles, droplet impact and triboelectricity, effect of electrostatic field in Leidenfrost films.

Associate Prof. Sébastien Tanguy
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France)
“A numerical solver for compressible two-phase flows. Applications to hydrodynamic cavitation and pool cavitation”
Sebastien Tanguy is associate professor at Université de Toulouse since 2006. He has obtained his PhD thesis at Université de Rouen in 2004 on the numerical simulation of droplet collisions and liquid jet atomization. Currently, he is carrying out his research activity at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse on the numerical simulation of two-phase flows, with a specific emphasis on liquid-vapor phase change. He has developed numerical solvers and algorithms for computations of droplet vaporisation or condensation, Leidenfrost droplets, nucleate boiling in the contact line regime or in the microlayer regime, and also, more recently, on cavitation..

Prof. Prashant Valluri
University of Edimburgh (Scotland)
“Phase-Change of Liquid Mixtures: Stability Analyses, Direct Numerical Simulations and Experiments”
Prashant Valluri is a Professor of Fluid Dynamics and Director of Chemical Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. He received his PhD (2004) in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London. His research focuses on tackling industrial multiphase flows with phase-change using bespoke numerical and theoretical techniques. These include stability analyses to understand interfacial instabilities, and DNS for combined heat-mass-momentum transport such as flows with phase change, and flows with mass-transfer and interfacial reactions. He also Chairs the UK-wide Multiphase Flows and Transport Phenomena Special Interest Group under the UK Fluids Network. As PI of ARCHER/HECToR eCSE 0804, e174 and e643 projects he led development of the ultra-fast high resolution TPLS 3.0 (Two-Phase Level-Set: and the GIS 1.0 (Gerris Immersed Solid Solver:, VaPor (Vascular Porous Solver: and XCompact3D Immersed Solid Solver: solvers. These solvers have been employed to gain understanding of fundamental phenomena during oil-gas flows, carbon-capture, brain-cooling, and phase-change cooling of microelectronics. He is also the recipient of the DST VAIBHAV Fellowship at International Centre for Theoretical Sciences – Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India.

Prof. Jérôme Bellettre
Université de Nantes (France)
“Atomization of emulsified alternative fuel assisted by water drops sudden vaporization (micro-explosion)”
Prof. Jérôme BELLETTRE received his PhD in 1998 at INSA-Lyon (CETHIL) in the field of convective heat transfer. In year 2000, he joined Ecole des Mines de Nantes as associated professor and started to study alternative fuels combustion mainly in an experimental way. The investigations on emulsification began in 2003 with studies about the use of waste animal fat as a biofuel in CI engines. In 2007, he joined Polytech Nantes (LTeN CNRS-Nantes University) as Full Professor. He developed a new original topic regarding atomization of Water-in-Oil emulsion drops using phase change. A strong collaboration has started with Patrizio Massoli and his group at CNR (IM and now STEMS) in 2010 and is still going on in the field of optical diagnostics. In parallel, he developed and patented with Prof. Agnès Montillet (Nantes University) a new original device based on micro-channels. This device generates continuously liquid-liquid dispersions at very high flow rate. It has been successfully tested to feed energy systems and also in other industrial uses (food, cosmetics, pharma industries …). Prof. J. Bellettre supervised numerous PhD students in these areas of interest and published more than 70 archival papers in international journals..

Prof. Dieter Bothe
Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
“Continuum thermodynamical modelling and numerical simulation of mass transfer across fluid interfaces”
Dieter Bothe is a full Professor at TU Darmstadt and head of MMA, the Mathematical Modelling and Analysis lab. He studied math/computer science/physics at U Paderborn, where he graduated in 1993 and obtained his habilitation in mathematics in 2000. From 1999 to 2005, he was head of the group Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Multiphase Flows at the Institute for Chemical Engineering at U Paderborn. From 2005 to 2009, he held the Chair for Mathematics/CCES at RWTH Aachen. From 2006 he was Co-Director of the Center for Computational Engineering Science there until he accepted a research professorship at TU Darmstadt/Center of Smart Interfaces in 2009. He is an associated editor of the international journal "Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications" and serves on the editorial advisory board of the "International Journal of Multiphase Flow". From 2010 to 2017, he was coordinator of the DFG-Priority Programme SPP 1506 "Transport processes at fluid interfaces" and currently is vice coordinator of the DFG-CRC 1194 "Interaction between Transport and Wetting Processes". From 2017 to 2024 he was assigned member of the Scientific Advisory Council of TU Darmstadt. Since 2021, he is coordinator of the Research Profile Topic "Thermo-Fluids & Interfacial Phenomena". His research comprises nonlinear evolution equations, reaction-diffusion bulk-surface systems and transport processes in two-phase flows, where he combines fundamental modeling with mathematical analysis and numerical simulations to analyze, describe and understand processes in the Natural and Engineering Sciences.

Prof. Nicolas Rimbert
University of Lorraine, Nancy (France)
“ Interplay between fragmentation and agglomeration in spray dynamics ”
Pr. Nicolas RIMBERT (LEMTA, UL) is currently the head of the network CNRS GDR TRANSINTER. He is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Université de Lorraine, specializing in fluid dynamics and multiphase flow. He earned his accreditation to supervise in 2017 at Université de Lorraine, with a thesis focused on turbulent agglomeration and fragmentation. Prior to this, he completed his Ph.D. in Mechanics and Energy in 2003 at the same institution, where he researched the atomization and dispersion of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids for fire safety applications. He holds an engineering degree from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (1995) and a Master's in Mechanics and Energy from Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I (1999). He also obtained CAPES certification and was bi-admissible to the Agrégation in Physical Sciences. Since 2018, he has served as a Full Professor at ENSEM, Université de Lorraine, conducting research within LEMTA. Prior to this, he was an Associate Professor at ESSTIN (2005-2018) and held several teaching positions at various French universities. His research focuses on fluid mechanics, particularly in reactive and multiphase media.

Dr Barra Qaddah
IRTM2P, Metz (France)
“Primary and secondary breakup of molten Ti64 in an EIGA atomizer for metal powder production”
Baraa is a R&D program manager in numerical simulation of processes at IRT M2P since October 2021. Baraa obtained a PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics in 2020 at the University of Marseille on the fragmentation of liquid metals. Then he performed a one-year post-doc at Ecole Centrale Supelec on the numerical simulation of natural convection coupled with heat and mass transfer in shallow caves.

Dr. Giuseppe Pucci
CNR, University of Calabria (Italy)
“Capillary surfers at a vibrating fluid interface”
I am a researcher in physics at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), based at the Department of Physics of the University of Calabria, Italy. Previously, I worked at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (France), Brown University (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Università della Calabria (Italy), and Université Paris Diderot (France). My research focuses on phenomena at fluid interfaces with the aim of contributing to the fields of fundamental fluid dynamics, active complex systems, and quantum foundations, the latter by developing classical analogues of quantum phenomena. My research occasionally touches on physics teaching, soft matter, and applied physics. I am fascinated by the possibility of exploring fundamental questions in physics by working on tabletop experiments. My research approach thus combines relatively low-cost experimental physics with theoretical modeling, and benefits from continuous collaboration with theorists. (

Associate Prof. Julien Sébilleau
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France)
“Sliding droplet sheared by an air flow”
Julien Sebilleau is Associate Professor at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse. He joined the institute in autumn 2011, he came from the Université Libre de Bruxelles where he served as a Marie Curie Fellow postdoctoral researcher in the Transfer, Interfaces and Processes Laboratory. He received his PhD from the University Paris Diderot in 2009 and his M. Sc. From the École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris. His research focuses on experimental studies of interactions between wetting, flow and phase change in microgravity so with application to aerospatial.
Dr Guillaume Castanet
LEMTA CNRS, Nancy (France)
“Heat and Mass Transfers in Droplet Flows: Recent Advances Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence”

Guillaume Castanet is a research scientist of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He received his PhD degree in Mechanical engineering from the University of Lorraine (Nancy, France) in 2004. Then, he was appointed as postdoctoral fellow for two years at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, where he conducted research activities on the evaporation and the drying of droplets containing solid particles in suspension. Since 2006, Guillaume Castanet has been working in the Laboratory of Energies Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (LEMTA) at the University of Lorraine. His research activities concern heat and mass transfer phenomena in droplet-laden flows and thin liquid films. They address topics such as droplet impact on heating surfaces in relation to spray cooling applications, icing of subcooled droplets, anti-icing systems, heat transfer enhancement in wavy thin liquid films, puffing/micro-explosion of water-in-oil composite droplets, heating and evaporation of closely spaced interacting droplets… Experiments are conducted on several flow configurations: single drops, monodisperse droplet streams, sprays and falling liquid films. A special research interest is focused on the development of non-intrusive optical measurement techniques to characterize heat and mass transfers. However, light scattering at complex liquid/gas and liquid/solid interfaces pose serious challenges for optical measurement techniques. Innovative techniques based on laser-induced fluorescence, are developed using either the intensity of the fluorescence signal or the fluorescence lifetime. They aim at achieving time and space resolved measurements of temperature and chemical composition inside moving and deforming droplets and liquid thin films. The combination of several measurement techniques allows to get an understanding of the couplings between heat and mass transfers, hydrodynamics, and phase changes (evaporation, solidification...). Guillaume Castanet has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences proceedings. He is currently a member of the ILASS-Europe committee to promote the science and application of Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.