The colloquium will hold during the French Congress of Mechanics (CFM2025) in Metz (FRANCE). The city of Metz is located in Lorraine, part of the Grand-Est region in France.
The city is located at the crossroads of two major axes crossing Europe: a North-South axis linking the North Sea to the Mediterranean (from Amsterdam to Marseille) and an East-West axis between the Atlantic and Eastern Europe (Paris, Munich, Vienna, Pragues).
Metz, a multi-faceted city steeped in history
3,000 years of history have forged a profound character in the city of Metz, whose exceptional heritage is remarkably well-preserved in a verdant setting at the confluence of the Moselle and Seille rivers. The natural light and honey color of many buildings are due to the use of Jaumont stone.
Metz and the Imperial district

Over the years, Metz has accumulated a first-rate architectural and urban heritage. Under the label “Metz royale et impériale”, the candidacy aims to recognize the extraordinary urban adventure that the city of Metz experienced from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, before, during and after the German annexation.
Having obtained Metropolitan status on January 1, 2018, the Metz Eurometropole now brings together 230,000 inhabitants and 46 communes around its central city.
The Metz Eurometropole draws its identity and energy from its borders: they give it its unique history. It's no coincidence that Robert Schuman drew his inspiration for Franco-German reconciliation in 1950, in Scy-Chazelles, on the slopes of the Metz region...
The Metz Eurometropole is also a region in full renewal, turning the epic page of its military history. Today, a whole art of living is revealed: artistic enthusiasm and a great cultural mix in the wake of the Centre Pompidou-Metz, art of living and gastronomy with the mirabelle plum and Moselle AOC wines, the omnipresence of water and the forest offering vast breathing spaces to a metropolis on a human scale.
Metz, city of art and history

On November 18, 2011, the Conseil national des Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire awarded the City of Metz the “Ville d'art et d'histoire” label. This label enables Metz to move from safeguarding and restoring its built heritage to promoting and animating heritage in its broadest sense. With this national recognition, the City of Metz is committed to developing a high-quality cultural and tourism policy based on its heritage, in conjunction with its cultural facilities and public, private and associative partners.
Metz classified as a tourist resort

Metz's vocation as a tourist resort has been confirmed: by decree dated February 24, 2015, Metz was awarded its classification as a tourist resort, a label of excellence awarded by the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Tourism for a period of 12 years.
Metz, a creative city

In 2019, Metz has been designated a UNESCO City of Music. It is the first city in France to join the 30 cities worldwide to receive this label in this category.